PARIAHLORD’s ‘A Fistful of Gigs’ 2023 is a selection of shows following their ‘Vultures’ tour 2022/2023 and the release of their debut album ‘Vultures‘ in 2022.
A Fistful of Gigs 2023
Fri, JUNE 23, 2023 | Bauhaus Live Summer Edition Jugendzentrum Bauhaus, Troisdorf, Germany w/ Druckpunkt und Brimstone Gate | Tickets: 5€ Pre-Sale here |
Sa, AUG 05, 2023 | Sommerfest Rabbit Hole Theater Rabbit Hole Theater, Essen, Germany | Free entry (PARIAHLORD starts at 9 p.m.) |
Sa, SEP 02, 2023 | Doomed to Death Festival 2023 Werkhof Hohenlimburg | Tickets: Pre-sale 20€ Box office 25€ |
Sa, NOV 18, 2023 | Metal For Mercy – On Stage – mit 4 Bands Famous, Witten w/ Mekong Age, Marcus Hoehne Band & Universe | Tickets: Pre-sale 8€ Box office 10€ |
Sa, NOV 25, 2023 | Backyard Club, Recklinghausen, Germany | Box office 10€ |
Sa, DEC 02, 2023 | Winter’s Calling Festival w/ Agenda, Old Ruins & Utter Silence | Tickets: Pre-sale 12€ Box office 15€ |
‘Embrace The Misery’ review SUNDAY’s HEAVY TUNES
‘The three passionate buddies are pushing their 5-track debut album ‘Embrace The Misery’ musically to a damn high level! … and rarely do you have the pleasure to enjoy such an excellent recording quality! Let your ears slide into this stunning melodic-voice-heavy-fuzz-haze-stoner-riff rock killer-sound-wall, which skilfully glides on the vibes of Monolord (due to the personal music taste of the band’s founder) without copying them musically!’ – SUNDAY‘s HEAVY TUNES
‘Vultures’ reviews (selection)
Ave Noctum
“And if the first two tracks aren’t enough to sell you on the album, next up is the centre piece, PARIAHLORD hitting the road for eight minutes in their ‘Super Mega Ultra Van’, a vehicle that sounds as if it’s powered by CBD biofuel and driven by Dave Wyndorf.” – Full review: avenoctum.com
Rating 4/5: „Pariahlord released their debut full-length in the latter half of last year, and Vultures is a tasty slab of good old stoner metal.“ – Full review: metal-rules.com
Metal Revolution (Denmark)
“Our writer believes that it will satisfy all devoted worshippers of stoner/psychedelic/progressive/doom rock, while he personally hopes to hear more of them in the near future.” – Full review: metal-revolution.com
“Das Rezept von PARIAHLORD ist einfach: Tiefgestimmte schrammelnde Gitarren, druckvoller Bass, leicht psychedelisch-angehauchte Rock-Stimme mit viel Ausdrucksstärke und packenden Rock-Melodien, die den Hörer in eine angenehme musikalische Trance versetzen.” – Full review on Metalogy.de